Trigno SDK
Trigno SDK讓程式設計和開發人員能夠設計專用的軟體,以擷取或處理從Trigno™系列感應器傳輸的表面EMG訊號和其他生理數據。
Trigno SDK支援MATLAB®, LabView™, Google® Android™- Mobile devices, Windows (C# or C) and Linux。
Data Output: 16 channels multiplexed EMG samples, 48 channels multiplexed accelerometer samples. Formatted as IEEE 754-1985 single-precision floating point values scaled RTI (big or little endian formatting selectable). Additional data types are available depending on sensor configuration. Data Connection: Local or remote TCP/IP (over wired or wireless network connection), multiple clients supported. Triggering: Selectable start and/or stop trigger inputs. Sample Rate: Fixed, 2000 Hz EMG and 148 Hz accelerometer. |